Sunday 26 April 2015

Nando's Menu

I love to see the process of a sketch resulting to its masterpiece so I thought I'd talk through my process when I painted this illustration for a Nando's competition. I will try and do this for all future pieces of work.

So let's start off with the idea. I sketched out what I already had in mind doing this painting. I knew I wanted circles and symmetry with as much relevance to Nando's and their food as possible.

With the idea sketched out I created the outline using Illustrator to do the circles- any non-circle drawings were done by hand.

With the outline complete the acrylic paints came out of the box! Painting is so therapeutic and I enjoy it tremendously- until the hand cramps come in that is.

With the painting complete I scanned the final thing and opened it in Photoshop.

The background was filled in digitally, thus ending up with the final result.

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Watch This Space

I can't believe it's been two years since I wrote my last blog! Where did the time go? What have I been doing with myself?

Well, in the past two years, I'd been going back and forth between working my retail job AND doing internships on my days off. Many weeks of working 7 days were done but in the end it was worth it as it landed me my dream job of working for children's publishing.

It's been five months into my career started and now I want to do more! The sun is out and my creative juices are flowing. It's time to bring some colour into this new season.

Watch this space…

(I promise  I will do more blogging from now on!)