Tuesday 15 January 2013

Jelly London Work Experience

After graduating from university this summer I thought that looking for a job in my chosen field would be a piece of cake, until I realised that my course didn't prepare me at all for working in the real world. So from September I decided to start applying to places that would let me do an internship or just work experience, unpaid, I wasn't asking for much really. Still it's been pretty tough just looking for work experience in a lot of these graphic design and illustration companies. Lots of 'no, we don't take interns' and lots of no replies.
 Fortunately Jelly London, an illustration and motions agency which represent some brilliant artists from the likes of Steve Simpson to Steve Scott, got back to me allowing me to spend a week at their office; and what a brilliant week it was!

My first day I got given my first brief to work on (amongst running a few errands). It's hard to determine how much time you need when you get given a brief, I gave myself two 9-5 days, it took me about three late nights to work on it. The beauty of this field is that you get to learn so much from it, and I don't just mean how to become a pro with PhotoShop and Illustrator, I mean you could learn anything, absolutely anything.
 For this brief I had to recreate the map of the British Isles using type and illustrated icons only to represent the music that us Brits have produced over time. I spent a good few hours looking up all the classic bands that have provided us with some great songs, as well as finding out where they all originated.

In the end, I got something that looked a little like this:

For my second brief, which I am still working on, I had to create a new book cover for the classic Breakfast at Tiffany's, without using the iconic image of Audrey Hepburn's face, but instead using her stray cat to represent the book.
So after playing around all day with different kinds of cats, while simultaneously watching the Breakfast at Tiffany's film, I came up with a variety of ideas but stuck to mainly two of them:

I would like to add a big thank you to Jelly London for allowing me the opportunity to do some work experience at their agency. It was a great experience and it's definitely making me look forward to spending most of my life doing this job!

See more of their artists here: jellylondon.com

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